10 Best foods for control over heat


              Over heat is common problem at any season but it was suffers mostly in  summer season. Because of high temperature our body our body does not cool down individually. 

              Working out in hot, eating heat producing foods, drinking less water etc also increases the risk of causing body heat. It’s very important to stay hydrated and have liquids which helps to keep our body cool in hot weather.

               In vegetables and fruits we have some foods which helps to cool down our body temperature. I will remind you, then you can include these foods in your summer diet to remain healthy.

  1. Cucumber: Mostly made of water and having rich in vitamin A and C.  Mostly protects from sunburn.

2. Bottelgourd:  Rich in vitamin C. 

3. Radish: having vitamin B6, copper, magnesium. Helps to cool your body.

4. Watermelon: Well known watery fruit, it keeps you hydrated and cool.


5. Honeydew Melon: It’s very effective in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. And rich in Vitamin C and copper.

6. Mint:  Mint leaves juice was perfect home remedy for over heat.

7. Barley:  Contains lot of fiber. Very effective for cool your body.

8. Coconut Water: fight summer health problems like dehydration and summer infections. Good source of fiber, vitamin C and several important minerals.

9. Sabja Seeds:  It’s most  useful drink in summer for cool our body. 

10. Buttermilk:  Most common and effective drink for over heat. 




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Hi All! I'm Sushma, Co-Founder of alertinfo News magazine. We Started this magazine as a way to share latest news like national and Internatnational,Technology,Recipes and my love for cooking with my family and friends.


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